Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox
I don't like it much. There can definitely be too much of a good thing, especially when you've lost the spark. It's dragging horribly, please let it die a natural death instead of choking it from over writing.
It doesn't make enough sense either. It has my most shamefully sentimental shipping ever, that should never have seen the light of day. He's conveniently forgotten someone. I like the twins, though.
I don't know what else to say. I'm disappointed that I'm bored of a series that used to be so awesome. And it looks like he plans to continue it further.
It doesn't make enough sense either. It has my most shamefully sentimental shipping ever, that should never have seen the light of day. He's conveniently forgotten someone. I like the twins, though.
I don't know what else to say. I'm disappointed that I'm bored of a series that used to be so awesome. And it looks like he plans to continue it further.
Yeah,I too loved the twins.
Till date the first part of the series remains my favorite although The Eternity Code was also good.
*year 3000:Jonas brothers*
Edmund Anderson, at 9:28 AM
Yeah, the first is my favourite too. I liked Artemis better when he was evil. The first three were all very good, and I like the fifth one as the last. But this one's too much, or I've outgrown it.
Namya, at 1:17 AM
I downloaded the audiobook. It's tedious, but I couldn't find the new book anywhere. I heard the first hour of the ruddy thing, and I slept off. It wasn't funny. It didn't feel like colfer, sadly.
Sakshi, at 10:23 AM
Alright, alright.
I'm not reading beyond the first two lines of your review until I have finished the book.
You should give out warnings like Spoilers Ahead or something if you there are any.
Or say that there aren't.
Espèra, at 3:14 AM
Sorry, I'd hoped that the second sentence in the second paragraph (not giving anything away, see!) was cryptic enough. And the twins were mentioned in the last book.
Namya, at 5:48 AM
I just didn't take a risk.
Espèra, at 8:10 AM
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