The Philosopher's Apprentice
I'm sorry, I know it's been a while, but I don't get to read so many books anymore, and maybe I wasn't inspired to write a review for any of them. This one made me want to write for the sheer weirdness of it.
The Philosopher's Apprentice starts off with a philosophy Phd student who loses his Phd for arguing with the teacher, and it gets steadily stranger. He gets a job teaching incredibly bright, 16-year old Londa, who lives in an island paradise and totally lacks a moral centre. Interesting idea in itself. It gave me a flavour of philosophy from Nietzsche to Epicurus to Utilitarianism to finally a 'young Jewish shepherd'. And although this part gave me talking iguanas and thinking trees, it seems sensible compared to the second half which goes berserk quite soon. Londa ventures into the world and takes my feminism and socialism and prochoiceness to a ridiculous degree. Apparently it's a homage to Frankenstein, which might or might not give the story away a little bit.
Probably the strangest book I've ever read, but in a good way.
The Philosopher's Apprentice starts off with a philosophy Phd student who loses his Phd for arguing with the teacher, and it gets steadily stranger. He gets a job teaching incredibly bright, 16-year old Londa, who lives in an island paradise and totally lacks a moral centre. Interesting idea in itself. It gave me a flavour of philosophy from Nietzsche to Epicurus to Utilitarianism to finally a 'young Jewish shepherd'. And although this part gave me talking iguanas and thinking trees, it seems sensible compared to the second half which goes berserk quite soon. Londa ventures into the world and takes my feminism and socialism and prochoiceness to a ridiculous degree. Apparently it's a homage to Frankenstein, which might or might not give the story away a little bit.
Probably the strangest book I've ever read, but in a good way.
Please buy me this? Thank you.
lonewolf4eva007, at 8:23 PM
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