Home of the Elves

Monday, July 17, 2006

His Majesty's Dragon book jacket

This is the British cover and the rather nicer American cover.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Her Majesty's Dragon

This is a new book that I am quite excited about. You really did think(as it says on the jacket) that you had seen every possible variation on the dragon story(Eragon, Dragon Rider, etc) but then this is very different. Dragons in this world are abundant and not uncommon. Although every country breeds its own, Chinese dragons are the most prized. Dragons feature almost as planes used for aerial combat. It is set in the 17th century approx.
Although I do think the main human(Laurence) is a bit wooden with an absolutely weird sense of morals(he thinks women wearing trousers is 'unnatural and illegal'), I love the dragon, Temeraire. He is bright, curious, rebellious(as compared to Laurence) and makes Laurence read aloud to him in the hazy autumn sun. That makes for a very special book. He is also a Chinese Imperial(I won't spoil the ending for you). Am searching for the next two books, Throne of Jade and Black Powder War. Hope they're as good.