Home of the Elves

Friday, March 30, 2007

Three of Diamonds

This is a compilation of Horowitz's latest Diamond Brothers stories(French Confection, I Know What You Did Last Wednesday and one more I can't remember). And it is hilarious, as ever.
I think Diamond Brothers is definitely Horowitz's best, better than Alex Rider. Tim Diamond, as the world's worst private detective, is stupid, bumbling and generally ineffective. Nick Diamond, as the smart younger brother is usually intelligent, always in trouble because of Tim and writes some of the worst puns I have ever read. Despite those completely horrible puns though, it is very funny.
My favourite excerpt, though, is not from Three of Diamonds.
'A man suddenly came into our office, sat down carefully and spoke in a whisper, "There are people behind me who are trying to kill me." Right then, a bullet whizzed past his head, hit a packet of milk and made the all the milk spurt out. Tim said, very professionally, "And what exactly makes you think that?" '

[Statutory warning: This is not the original language. It has been considerably abridged.]

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Book of General Ignorance

Despite the uninspiring title(and let me say right now before I am assaulted with bad jokes, it does not imply me), it is a fascinating book. It falsifies a lot of things that I thought were true and says a lot of stuff that I was, interestingly, not wrong about. This was usually because I had never heard of it. Anyone want examples?
Despite what anyone told you, glass is not a supercooled liquid. The liquid theory comes from misunderstanding some work by someone who compared it to a liquid because its molecular structure is irregular. It is actually a solid, though an amorphous solid. No, I don't know what that is.
There are not 3 states of matter, not even 5, Sakshi. There are actually something like 15(the more complicated of which are strongly and weakly symmetric matter, and Bose-Einstein condensate) which I am not going to waste my time typing. However, if someone wants to know, comment and I'll write.
And contrary to our NTSE assignments, oxygen is not the most common material in the earth. It happens to be something called perovskite, a mixture of magnesium, silicon and oxygen. Apparently what the earth's mantle is made of.
Gosh, what do I go to school for?
BTW, I am still in the middle. If something more interesting comes up, it will be duly reported.